- The World's First Internet Currency (since 1994) -

The Currency of the United Nations

*** UN-Dollar (UND) ***
- Global Central Bank Digital Currency -

- UNOBank.org, The World's first Bank in the Internet (since 1994) -

- Top-Links -
| UN Charter | UNICEF | Register (for free) | Boerse.FM | Market | StocksProphet | UNExchange |
| ThunderFunder | Founder, Owners & Board | Currency Rates | Forgotten Password and/or PIN | Blog |

1 UND = 32.32 USD (1 Ounce (oz) Fine Silver on 2025-02-14, 15:00 EST+1) (Currency Rates)
1 UN-Dollar = 100 UN-Cents

Goldpreis.de - Aktuelle Preise und Kurse
1 oz Fine Silber in EUR

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| Forgotten Password and/or PIN |

Pay with your Smartphone/iPhone!
You've could pay with your Cellular Phone (WAP 2.0) in the currency UN$
already when the iPhone still didn't exist!

Eternal Harmony

Imprint / Contact:
© 1983-2025 UNDollar.org Foundation (NGO)
c/o Willi Rauffer
Willinger Str. 21
D-83043 Bad Aibling/Munich
Fed. Rep. Germany
Telefon: 0049 8061 34 888 - 0
eMail: mail(at)UNDollar(dot)org

Physical World Formula
G = I = E∞-1 = mc2
God <=> Information <=> Energy <=> Mass multiplied by Speed of Light power two
The Spirit of God can be transformed into Information,
Information into nearly infinite Energy,
and Energy into Matter, Space and Time.
And into each other.

Cybernetic World Formula
M <=> E <=> T <=> I
Matter, Energy, Time and Information
can be transformed into each other.

- Bottom-Links -
| Deltacomputer | B1-Systems | PostgreSQL compatible eXtremeDB | FATF |