- January, 06, 2025:
1 UN-Dollar Coin/Chip (3D-printed)
My nephew Stefan has designed a 1 UN-Dollar coin/chip for his 3D-printer with the CAD-software
SolidWorks. Everybody is allowed to download this STL file
and print it on his/her 3D-printer (It's +++Open Source Currency+++; +++UN$-Mining+++).
We did print the laurel
crown (Lorbeerkranz) in light blue, the text and the dove in black and for the coin
itselve my nephew used white filament. Of course we don't exchange 3D-UN-Dollar coins/chips for
1 oz fine silver. Try to buy something for it, or give it away as a gift. Good luck!
A 3D-UN$-Coin/Chip
does have a higher value than 1 oz fine silver, because it's more rare.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- April, 6th, 2022:
Our fellow stocks radio Boerse.FM has
donated to UNICEF.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- December, 31st, 2021:
One UNDollar.org Fund Share now has a value of 4,911.87 US$. +54.42% annual return
Happy New Year!
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- December, 16th, 2021:
Nimbus Data SSDs
ich bin ueber speicherguide.de auf den SSD Hersteller Nimbus Data aufmerksam geworden:
"Die größte verfügbare SSD ist das Exadrive DC von Nimbus Data mit 100 TByte. Sie kostet
rund 34.000 Euro (40.000 US-Dollar) Listenpreis. Die mittlere Zeit zwischen Fehlern soll bei
2,5 Millionen Stunden liegen, was sie zum Einsatz im Enterprise tauglich macht. Mit 210 bis 340 Euro
pro TByte (vgl. WD-HDD Ultrastar DC HC650 mit 25 Euro pro TByte) derzeit sicher noch nicht
konkurrenzfähig zur HDD, eher ein technologisches Aushängeschild."
An Exadrive DC from Nimbus Data with 50 TByte is 12,500 US$.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- September, 18th, 2021:
Ampere Altra Max versus AMD EPYC
We intend to use 9 servers with a 64 core AMD EPYC processor each (4 x Nginx/PHP,
3 x database/production (3 x 10 7.6 TB Micron NVMe, MySQL Galera Cluster), 1 x database/test
(10 7.6 TB Micron NVMe, MySQL) and 1 x backup (24 x 18 TB WD HDDs):
good for 75 million accounts, scalable to 5 billion accounts or more).
Geo-redundant in 3 different finnish datacenters (dark green energy).
But may be an ARM64 (Ampere Altra Max) CPU would be an alternative solution???
One EPYC core counts for 2 Ampere Altra cores? Both are manufactured with a
7nm process. Less problems with proven x64 EPYC!? For example the ARM64 drivers could be
a problem. An Altra Max with 128 cores consumes 250 W. More than an EPYC with 64 cores!
An AMD EPYC 7713P consumes only 225 Watt and the next EPYC generation has 96 cores and
uses 5 nm technology.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
Strategies To Attract Tech Talent Like A Tech Giant With The Budget Of A Startup
Finding tech talent is very challenging.
Forty-two percent of companies in the tech sector find it difficult to retain the best talent.
And it is even more difficult for small companies and startups that have to compete with tech giants and even bigger budgets.
But it is not impossible. Here are some strategies you can apply to attract top tech talent.
Focus on Culture One of the advantages of a startup is that it has an environment of drive and entrepreneurship
that big tech companies have lost a little bit. Focus on growing and advertising this culture because it is one of your most
significant advantages. Not all employees know what it is like to work for a startup, so part of your strategy should show them.
Another benefit of the startup culture that many professionals look for is flexibility. Generally, because they have smaller teams,
the rules are bent a little as long as you deliver in terms of productivity. For example, a full stack developer may choose to work
for a startup because they feel they will have more creative freedom. Look to Coding Bootcamp Schools
Coding bootcamps have become pretty common in the tech industry. People can learn tech skills like front end development or
data science in a short few months. Tech companies have been hiring graduates from these courses for years now. One of the reasons
is that they finish the course with all the abilities required to perform in the industry.
As a startup, you can forge partnerships with these schools to hire their best talent first. It means you will have access to highly
qualified employees and snatch them before tech giants. There are dozens of coding bootcamps schools listed on
that you can approach, and they are in different cities like Austin, New York, or Philadelphia. Show Them How They Will Make an Impact
Another thing you can use to your advantage is that, being a smaller team, most employees will have the chance to make a real impact.
It means their tasks will directly relate to the company’s results. And if the startup is working to make products for the consumer,
then their job will have an immediate impact on society. Another aspect is that in startups, most employees work alongside
the founders and CEOs. So, they can feel like their ideas will be valued and considered. They will have a real voice in the company
instead of being just another cog in a much bigger machine. Make sure to advertise this in your job descriptions.
Learning OpportunitiesLearning opportunities can be
job training,
online courses, coding bootcamps, or annual stipends for education. But learning in a classroom isn’t the only way to help them grow.
You can also offer mentorship programs. With these programs, new employees will have the opportunity to learn from the more experienced employees
and even to work with the founders. For tech professionals interested in having their own business in the future,
working in a startup alongside the founders and CEOs can be the decisive factor. And because startups are companies still in the growing process,
all their operations involve some degree learning. There is always room for improvement and trying out new ideas.
Consider Outsourcing As mentioned before, startups are companies that are still small, just in their early years,
and have a lot to learn. If you are one, you have to know one of the main disadvantages you have when it comes to competing for talent
is your lack of experience. So, instead of trying to tackle everything yourself, you should consider outsourcing.
Recruiting agencies are created to help other companies fill the roles with the perfect candidates. They do the work for you for reasonable prices,
and they do it better. After all, badly designed recruitment strategies can bring monetary losses to a company. Leave the work to the professionals
if possible. In Summary You can implement several strategies to compete with tech giants. But the truth is that
startups are very different from companies like Google or Facebook, and they are even better in some aspects. You should use your strengths
to your advantage. You can focus on your culture, look to coding bootcamp schools, show them how they will make an impact,
and offer learning opportunities. Ultimately, you could outsource and hire a recruiting agency if you can afford it.
Artur Meyster, Founder of careerkarma.co
- January, 14th, 2021:
Who doesn't like to play, has to work! Who doesn't like to work, has to fight!
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- December, 31st, 2020:
One UNDollar.org Fund Share now has a value of 4,118.59 US$. +68.41% annually
Happy New Year!
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- November, 21st, 2020:
After having used the domain UNOBank.org for many years, we now switch to the domain UNDollar.org.
UNDollar.org is the domain of the UNDollar Foundation. We are no "banksters" ;-),
but programmers, stock market experts and
philantropists. ;-)
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- September, 28th, 2020:
Every Central Bank can exchange US-Dollars (US$)
against UN-Dollars (UN$).
For this it will get
1.20% interest per year in UN$ for 10 years. After 10 years the UN-Dollars will be
exchanged back to US-Dollars and refunded to the Central Bank.
Just speak with me: Willi (at) Rauffer.org
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- September, 26th, 2020:
One UNDollar.org Fund Share now has a value of 2,778.10 US$. +53.22% annually
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- June, 22nd, 2020:
Since May, 07th, 2018 there is the UNDollar.org Fund. A Fund Share started with 1,000 US$.
On June, 22nd, 2020 the Fund Share value has reached 2,197.10 US$. +44.74% annual return
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- January, 28th, 2020:
Mr. Benzi Galili from ScaleMP.com
(several AMD EPYC servers combined to one big Software-Defined Server via Infiniband) stated:
"Indeed PostgreSQL does not use MPI, but it also is not scalable, meaning that giving it a machine with 10x the number of cores
(be it an HPE Superdome Flex, a ScaleMP-based system, or other) - will not yield a 10x performance improvement, and from a
certain (low) number of cores, in the 40-100 range (depending on the specific workload), it will not yield any performance gains at all."
Therefore we dropped our plan to switch the database of UNDollar.org from MariaDB to PostgreSQL. We will furtheron use MariaDB and lateron switch
to TiDB, a MySQL compatible NewSQL Cluster database written in the programming languages Go and Rust. Another option
would be to use an Oracle Exadata database machine or an eXtremeDB Cluster. Mr. Benzi Galili favors eXtremeDB.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- November, 26th, 2019:
Wir haben heute unsere Währung UNO durch unsere Währung UN$ (UN-Dollar) ersetzt.
Vor langer, langer Zeit, als wir noch die Domain UN-Notenbank.org hatten, hatten wir bereits den UN-Dollar. Die Domain UN-Notenbank.org
erwies sich als Zungenbrecher und wir wechselten zur UNOBank.org Domain und damit auch von UN-Dollar zur Währung UNO.
Der (neue) UN-Dollar ist auf zehn US-Dollar gefixt. Damit geben wir die Gold-Bindung auf. Der US-Dollar ist im Augenblick die de
facto Weltwährung und wenn 1 UN$ = 10 US$, dann gibt es keine grossen Umrechnungsprobleme mehr.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- November, 9th, 2019:
Der UNO ist seit heute nicht mehr auf 25 US$, sondern auf 30 US$ gefixt; ziemlich genau 1/50 des derzeitigen Goldkurses.
Eigentlich war der UNO mal auf den Silberpreis gefixt (1 UNO = 1 Unze Silber); damals war das Verhaeltnis Gold/Silber ungefaehr 50:1.
Inzwischen liegt das Verhältnis Gold/Silber bei circa 86:1 und der Goldpreis ist deutlich gestiegen.
Wir geben deshalb hiermit die Silberbindung auf und orientieren uns in Zukunft nur noch am Goldkurs,
der an der Boerse in US$ pro Feinunze notiert wird.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- June, 28th, 2019:
Ich fand mal den All-Flash Storage von IBM deutlich besser, als die Lustre Loesung von Cray. Der All-Flash Storage von IBM basiert
auf dem Storage Betriebssystem ONTAP von NetApp. Allerdings ist dieses auch "nur" ein BSD Unix Derivat. Da koennte man auch FreeBSD mit ZFS
und Lustre verwenden! Wahrscheinlich werden wir einen selbst auf der Basis von +++All-NVMe+++
HPE ProLiant DL 385 Rechnern (mit Linux + Ceph) realisierten Software defined Storage fuer die
Datenspeicherung verwenden.
Ein solches System soll 10 Jahre im Einsatz sein und dann haben wir vielleicht 1 Milliarde Konten zu verwalten. Bezueglich der
Datenmenge haben wir nicht vor, Instagram, Facebook oder Whatsapp zu ersetzen; sondern nur zu ergaenzen. Die UNDollar.org hat den
Anspruch ein "Social Money Network" zu sein. Das Hauptproblem in IT technischer Hinsicht besteht aus dem Skalierungsproblem der Datenbank.
Die wichtigste Ausgabe sind auf Dauer die Ausgaben fuer's Personal, fuer
Hard- und Software, und fuer's Hosten. Unser Sysadmin, mein Neffe Stefan, ist derzeit total unterfordert.
Im Augenblick haben wir ungefaehr 2 Millionen Hits pro Jahr
(10.000 Besucher pro Monat). Vor ein paar Jahren hab ich in Facebook Werbung fuer die UNOBank gemacht; dann ist die Festplatte
unseres eMail Servers übergelaufen!!! Seitdem trau ich mich nicht mehr, etwas in Facebook reinzuschreiben. :-)
Als Entwickler traeume ich von einer einzigen Maschine. Im Augenblick waere das zum Beispiel
vor allem mit einer HPE Superdome Flex mit Shared Memory moeglich. Die Zukunft gehoert den
Supercomputern (HPC) auf x86 Basis mit Linux oder dem Microsoft HPC Pack, die ueber mehrere (oder viele) Racks skalieren und nicht
bloss aus einem Rack bestehen, wie die HPE Superdome Flex! Da ist IBM/Lenovo mit Abstand der Marktfuehrer. Und IBM hat vor kurzem
Red Hat gekauft! Aber Red Hat verkrüppelt ihr tolles Linux, um moeglichst viel Geld zu machen.
SUSE und Microsoft sind die lachenden Gewinner.
Wieviele Petabytes (PB) hat Facebook zu verwalten???
Wieviele Konten hat die Deutsche Bank zu verwalten???
Wir sind die eDollar Bank der Vereinten Nationen und haben den Anspruch, dass jedermann bei uns ein Konto haben +++darf+++ (Stichwort: Helikoptergeld).
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- June, 27th, 2019:
We are not fully satisfied with the Cray solution, especially the ClusterStore storage (for example no
NVMe storage) and have therefore invented the
"DBMaschine", based on Postgres-XL Software. We could use Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) hardware
(the Microcomputer market leader)
and the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating system for it and the HPE Superdome Flex instead of the Cray Shasta. The Supercomputers based on Microcomputers are the new Mainframes
and we don't need a huge number cruncher for the UNOBank,
but a reliable database machine for business banking purposes, scaling to 10 billion accounts or more. Number crunching is only as good, as the algorithms used and these should
be based on mathematics and not "only" on statistics. :-) Of course we could use a Cray "number cruncher" for trading
FOREX, Futures and Stocks in the future, the algorithms programmed in C++;
but we don't have time for this task.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation
- December, 21st, 2017:
Von einem neuen Mitglied nach den Hintergruenden des UNDollar gefragt, habe ich folgendes geantwortet:
Die Idee fuer den UN$ kam mir waehrend der Diskussionen um den damals noch nicht eingefuehrten Euro. Ich dachte mir, wenn sich die europaeischen Laender auf eine
gemeinsame Waehrung einigen, dann vielleicht irgendwann auch die Vereinten Nationen. Aber es war klar, dass das noch ewig dauern kann. Deshalb habe ich eine
NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) gegruendet.
Bereits 1983 hatte ich eine erste Kontofuehrung programmiert. Seit 1994 ist der UN$ im Internet vertreten; zuerst nur mit einem eMail Boersenbrief, dem weltweit ersten eMail Boersenbrief, aus dem mein Finanz-Portal boerse.de wurde.
Ich hab die UNDollar Software bisher selbst programmiert; in PHP mit MySQL (später MariaDB) als Datenbank. In unserem Team gibt es zwar auch einen Entwickler,
aber bevor ich ihm lang erklaere, was er programmieren soll, hab ich es schon laengst selbst programmiert.
Willi Rauffer, Chairman of the UNDollar Foundation